👋 Hello, I am

Latoya Natasha Campbell

Front-end developer based in California

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Featured projects I enjoyed working on

hiking project

Hiking Project

I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project. It was a blast, especially seeing how the images come to life when you hover over them. I focused on one of my favorite hobbies, hiking, and overall, it was a fantastic experience.

Launch Project

Forecast Project

I cherished every moment of this project. Working on the forecast was particularly enjoyable. While it can be stressful when I hit a snag, I find coding to be like a puzzle game, which makes the process incredibly fun. Completing this project brought me a lot of happiness.

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forecast project
world clock project

World Clock Project

Working on this world clock project was an absolute delight. I’m especially fond of my pink world clock—it was a joy to create.

Launch Project

Ai Project

This is my absolute favorite! I absolutely adore my AI poem generator. Writing about this project now has reminded me to use it again. The poems it creates are so charming. Out of everything I’ve worked on, this one is by far my top pick.

Launch Project
ai project